Sunday 4 February 2018


Loki was born from the Jötnar.

 His mother was Laufey,
 the patron of dry leaves and branches, 
- the left overs of nature in fall.

His father was Farbauti, 
the patron of lightningbolts, 
- the creator of wildfires.

And then there was Loki himself, 
the Jotunn patron of wildfires. 
Spreading his chaotic nature 
across the nine realms. 

Although, he wasn't just chaos.
Loki was very clever,
and often figured out a way
 around a complicated situation.
He was a trickster to the very core.

Although honoured and loved among the other gods of Asgard,
Loki was a Jötunn. 
The Jötnar are often depicted as giants,
But they came in all shapes and sizes.
They could be ugly, or beautiful.
And in Loki's case,
they could be sly enough to become a god.

However, being a Jötunn also put him at a disadvantage.
As the Aesir, and even Vanir, looked down upon them.
And disputes between the three often occured.
And his 'allegiance' with the Aesir, made Loki
an outcast among the other Jötnar.
But his shared blood with the Jötnar made him
untrustworthy in the eyes of Asgard.

According to the myths, 
Loki would bring about 
the end of the world; 

A catastrophic event 
in which the Aesir 
and Vanir would clash 
against the Jötnar, 
and Yggdrasil... 

But like most myths,
this was just an interpretation
of a Völva's vision.

Loki's family tree is vast and complex.
He's been with many men and women,
both gods, beasts, mortals, and Jötnar.

Despite this, he still has a loyal wife.
Sigyn, an Aesir.

Farbauti: Farbauti was Loki's father.
A warrior Jötunn, compared to lightning.
Whether his powers were lightningbased,
or if he was just a fast striker, is unknown.

Laufey: Laufey was the wife of Farbauti, and Loki's mother.
She was a nature Jötunn, caring for the fallen leaves,
twigs, and stalks of the fall.

Sigyn: Sigyn was a compassionate Aesir 
that married Loki as peace exchange between Farbauti and Odinn. 
Although, she came to love Loki ferociously,  
although not minding his adventures with other women. 
Her loyalty knew no bounds. 
She was the mother to Vali, Nari, and Narfi

Angerboda: Angerboda was a beautiful Jötunn, and the patron of sorrow.
She was the only woman Loki had ever had such strong feelings for.
And she bore him three children.
Fenrir, the father of werewolves,
Jörmungandr, the world serpent, and
Hel; she who walks among dead and alive alike.

Svadilfari: Svadilfari was the stallion of the builder of Asgard.
He was the strongest horse in all the nine realms
and he helped the architect build the halls of Asgard.
But the Aesir had made a deal with builder that they later came to regret.
In myth, this was due to Loki's intervention,
and he payed dearly for it later.
But in reality, Loki was not involved.
But he did offer to help the Aesir stop the builder's progress
just long enough for the deal to be undone.
And so, Loki transformed into a mare and lured Svadilfari into the woods
where they would mate.
Loki later birthed the eight-legged horse Sleipnir as a result.


Narfi: Narfi was the son of Sigyn and Loki, 
twin-brother to Nari. 
He, along with his twin sister, Nari, was killed by Vali.

Nari: Nari was the daughter of Sigyn and Loki. 
She was killed by Vali. 
She and Narfi looked almost identical, 
and the other gods could not tell them apart.

Vali: Vali was Sigyn and Loki's oldest son. 
However, he was bitten by Fenrir and turned into a werewolf 
- killing Nari and Narfi. 
He was banished by both Odin, and the other Aesir, and Sigyn.

Fenrir: Fenrir was one of the three children born of Angerboda and Loki.
He was born a pure werewolf Jötunn, and so was larger than any other lycanthrope.
Far larger than any horse. And at first beloved by the Aesir.
He was also named "Hrödvitnir", the Flame wolf, by the Aesir,
due to his connection to pyromancy - like his father, Loki.
Fenrir grew and grew in size until even the Aesir feared him.
And so, they chained him to a large rock in the middle of a lake,
and despite using all the strongest of the Aesir,
Tyr lost his hand to the wolf.

Hel: Hel was the only daughter among Angerboda's three children.
She was the only one who shared her parents' human appearance,
alas - she was born half dead.
With one side of her face being beautiful,
while the other was that of rotting flesh.
When Odin laid eyes upon Hel,
he deemed her too hideous for Asgard,
but gave her domain of Helheim
where she would collect the souls
of those who died from natural causes.

Jörmungandr: Jörmungandr was the first and most dangerous of Angerboda and Loki's children.
For he was born in the form of a great serpent. Far larger than any other of his kin.
Loki tried to hide his serpentine child,
but when Odin discovered him,
he was so horrified that he grabbed the serpent and threw it out of Asgard into the seas bellow.

Sleipnir: Sleipnir was the child of Loki and Svadilfari. 
He was born with eight legs, and upon birth, 
Loki presented him as a gift to the All-father, Odin. 
Sleipnir would become the fastest of all horses, 
and carry Odin into many battles.

Species: Loki is a Jötunn, one of the oldest of species

Sex: Male on most days,
but he's known as appearing as a female on occasions.

Gender: Agender. Loki doesn't identify as either male, nor female.

Age: Unknown. It is impossible to date exactly how old he is,
but he was born way before the viking age began.

Height: 6'6. Although a Jötunn, Loki is pretty short.
And shorter than many of the other gods.
Although, to a human, he'd appear fairly tall.

Weight: Unknown.
Why would a god be interested in his own weight?

Skin color: Loki is, like any Norseman, fair skinned.

Eye color: He boasts the green eyes of a liar.

Natural hair color: His hair is orange as the flames of wildness.

Tattoos and markings: He has two slithering snakes forming an S shape,
carved into the skin on his back.
He's got subtle scars around his lips
from getting his mouth sewn shut by Tor.
His eyes are not as strongly green as they once were,
from having venom dripping in them.
When in his true Jötnar form, he boasts strange markings across his body.

Other features: The most noteworthy standard feature
is his elongated ears.
Like most Jötnar and elves,
Loki has a pair of large, pointed ears.
He can grow two large ramhorns from his head.
Although being a shapeshifter,
these are part of his standard appearance.
Loki also boasts a tail which he often keeps hidden.

Personality: Loki is very honest in how he's unreliable.
He doesn't deny that he's a trickster, and he doesn't deny playing pranks on others.
He loves attention, and will burn down a village only to get angry shovels thrown his way.

Sexuality: Loki doesn't view sex as something one has with just the opposite sex,
or the same species for that matter. Sex is just a passing of time.
A way of socialize.

Skills: He is very clever and witty,
always figuring out new way to cause mischief and how to avoid getting caught.
He loves to make deals that end in his benefit, and have a natural talent for such.
He's also a talented pyromancer, and shapeshifter.
And he's got a way with both bow and spear, and dual daggers.

Strengths: Loki's wits have saved him more times than even the Völvas could count.
His ability to shapeshift also helps him in most situations.

Weaknesses: He's very easily bored, and often pull pranks that puts him in bad situations.
He's not as strong as his fellow Aesir and Jötnar, and can seldom rely on brute force.
His fast tongue also often gets him in trouble.
And although being a shapeshifter, it has limits.
Whatever he shifts into will have green eyes and fiery orange hair, fur, scales, or feathers.

The faces

Loki's true form.

This is Loki's true form, the form he was born into.
His eyes are of a blazing green colour
His hair is fiery orange
His skin is pale and almost ashen
He has large ram horn protruding from his forehead
His body is covered in strange markings
His ears are long ad pointed
His canine teeth are long and sharp

Loki's preferred human form

This is the form Loki usually takes to blend in
It is the form the Aesir and Vanir are used to
His basic features are the same as in his true form
But lacks the horns, tail, and markings
And his skin has a warmer tone

Loki's wolf-form

This is the form Loki was using when Fenrir was conceived.
It is a fairly large wolf
With red fure
And piercing green eyes

Loki's Snake-form

This is the form Loki used to conceive Jörmungandr
It is a great snake of 12 feet
Its scales are tinted orange
And its eyes are a menacing green

Loki's Salmon-form

When Odinn hunted Loki
The trickster turned into a great salmon to hide
The salmon is the size of a man
With an orange skin
and bright green eyes

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