Saturday 8 December 2018

Many know the story of Ragnarok.
Some know how it all began.

But some stories tell not the truth.

This is my pain.

This is the death of gods.

Loki's betrayal.

This is how it really happened.

Once upon a time, Loki and Odinn shared their blood and vowed that one should never accept mead unless offered to the other. They were very close, and although the other Aesir does not know where Loki came from, nor trusts him for his Jötnar blood, they all seemed to appreciate his presence in the home of the gods. All except Freyja whom he often found himself causing troubles for.

But time is a funny thing, and even gods are affected by it.
Odinn grew more and more obsessed with the search for knowledge. Knowledge that caused him to become more and more paranoid. Paranoia which only helped fuel his thirst for knowledge and wisdom.

And then one night, Baldur, Odinn's son, had a dream that would haunt him for the rest of his days. He went to the Hall of Odinn and held council. The gods were all troubled. All except Loki. Loki who knew the power of the gods. He but laughed Baldur's worries off, saying no such thing could ever come to be.

But fearful Odinn could not rest, for Baldur's dreams had such terrible detail. So Almighty Odinn ventured to the East, towards the realm of the dead. There he found the grave of a wise woman. Through ancient dark rituals long forgotten, the Allfather called upon the spirit of the woman.

"It was a hard journey coming back from the land of the dead" a shadowy woman spoke. Odinn introduced himself as Wanderer, son of Warrior and asked for news from Hel. The woman said that Baldur's time was coming. And desperate Odinn, asked who'd be Baldur's bane, who'd be Baldur's avenger, and Who'd be Baldur's mourner. 

The woman's answers made him nonethewiser and when he asked his last question, the woman said; "You are not Wanderer, son of Warrior. You are Odinn, who was sacrificed by himself to himself so long ago." to which Odinn replied; "And you're no wise woman. You are she who was in life Angerboda, Loki's lover".

The spirit of Angerboda told Odinn to run home to Asgard, that "no one will come to see me now until husband, Loki, escapes from his bonds and returns to me. And Ragnarök, the doom of the gods, tearing all asunder approaches." after which she would return to the shadows, leaving Odinn in despair and puzzlement.

If Baldur's time was near, he'd need to save him. How, he did not yet know. But this was not what puzzled him.What had Angerboda meant with Loki escaping his bonds? Loki was not bound. Well, not yet.

Odinn went to Frigg, or Freyja, and told her that some meant harm to Baldur. She said that none would ever wish harm upon Baldur, the golden son of Asgard. But to make sure it was so, Freyja set out to make sure none could ever do him harm. Fire promised to never burn him, water said it'd not drown him, Iron was told not to cut him, and nor would any of the other metals, stones promised to never bruise his skin and trees, beasts, and birds vowed to never hurt him. She even spoke to Disease and it promised to never touch Baldur. Nothing could now hurt Baldur, say except for Mistletoe. A creeping vine, growing on trees, whom Freyja had missed.

Freyja, or Frigg, returned to Odinn and spoke to all the other gods. "Nothing will now hurt Baldur the beautiful".They doubted her. Even Baldur himself. So they put her words to the test, and they were all in awe. The gods made sport of throwing weapons at Baldur, and there was laughter all around. Even Loki laughed. But there was one who did not.

Hödr, Baldur's brother did not laugh. For he saw not what was going on, as he was blind. He tried to get the gods attention but they were alltobusy. Except for Loki, whom had noticed poor Hödr's misery. Loki approached him and asked why he looked so sad. Loki told Hödr what was going on, and Hödr explained that he would wish to take part in the joy that was filling the hall.

Helpful Loki told Hödr to hold out his hands, and in them he placed his spear - Laevateinn. Laevateinn was a peculiar spear. It was grown from mistletoe as Loki liked the small leafs it bore. He then showed Baldur where to aim, guided is movements. "I have borrowed my spear to Hödr" Loki told Thor to get the gods' attention. The now smiling Hödr, swung the spear at Baldur with much force. But the gods did not laugh, and he heard not Baldur's voice.

Loki stood in silent shock as he saw his spear piercing Baldur's heart, but the silence was interrupted by Freyja's wailing. She saw the spear and she saw that it was mistletoe. She realised she had forgotten the mistletoe, but in her anger she pointed at Loki. "YOU did this, trickster!"

To be continued...

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